Trevor Robinson
Trevor has worked with State and Federal government. As CEO of the Queensland Indigenous Working Group Limited (QIWGL) he provided high level strategic policy advice on issues relative to Native Title, Cultural Heritage and land and natural resource management.
Trevor has served on the Boards of the Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining and the Queensland Museum. He is a past member of the Queensland Great Artesian Basin Advisory Council, the Vegetation Consultative Committee, and the Biosecurity Queensland Ministerial Advisory Council. He was also Chair of the Queensland Museum Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Committee.
Keelen Mailman
Keelen is a Bidjara woman who has worked in many corporate governance roles and is currently providing expertise in the vital area of cultural heritage management. Keelen also has particular skills and extensive experience as a station manager.
Keelen has been the station manager of the Mount Tabor pastoral property, a vast station of over 190,000 hectares in Central Queensland, for over 17 years.